
Showing posts from March, 2020

Challenges and opportunities brought by cloud computing to network equipment ven

I don't know from which day, the three words of cloud computing will slowly enter people's field of vision. At first, it was only proposed as a concept. I remember that in 2013, thousands of people from Cisco R & D Center attended a keynote speech on cloud computing. At that time, cloud computing seemed far away from everyone. But within a few years, the cloud computing hurricane blew from the western hemisphere to the eastern hemisphere. To this day, cloud computing is more or less associated with everyone. Many of the videos, pictures, and news refreshed by mobile apps are moved from cloud servers. The benefits of cloud computing are not listed here, but with the rapid development of cloud computing, hardware firewalls and hardware intrusion detection systems that could protect the security of servers could not find their place. Servers already live in the cloud, and hardware firewalls can't go anywhere. The server runs on virtual software. If you want to

Encor 350-401 Lab What is the Internet model?

When I studied computer network, I found that what the book says is completely different from reality. I was puzzled for a long time before I discovered that the original hub, the csmacd protocol, which are all old antique technology, are basically not used now. So I want to know those technologies in the book such as: ppp protocol, arp protocol, hdlc protocol, and various theories such as frequency division multiplexing, time division multiplexing, half-duplex, full-duplex, etc. It's still very common until now). Many students who are beginning to learn computer networks will have this problem. Why is the knowledge in the real world decoupled from books? Students who have passed the CCIE may not be able to clearly explain the common technologies (PPPoE, L2TP, GPON) in the home network. This is actually not everyone's fault, but because the computer network industry is developing too fast. Who would have thought that mobile Internet surfing became the mainstream trend?

300-401 Encor Training What are the basic core protocols on the Internet?

For students who have studied the TCP / IP protocol, this is not a problem, the IP protocol. For the public, more explanation is needed. IP in the IP protocol is an abbreviated form of two words: Internet Protocol, which translates to "IP protocol" in Chinese. The next question is, why is the IP protocol able to connect networks of all sizes in the world? Looking at the word "Internet", it actually consists of two words: "Inter" and "net". "Inter" is translated into Chinese as "between, mutual", and "net" means "net" in Chinese, which can be translated into "interconnection between nets" when combined. The meaning is clear. The core goal of IP is to connect different networks. The network here can be a network with the same physical medium, or a network with different physical media, such as Ethernet, wireless network, ATM network, EPON / GPON, T1 / T3. The encapsulation format of the phy

350-401 Study Material How to achieve faster multi-threaded download file speed

Why is it faster (multi-threaded) to download a large file from the Internet? I checked online and said that "it is because of io blockage, because the network speed must be faster than cpu, single-threaded single-io channel, and multi-threaded multi-io channel". I understand what he means: single-threaded because of slow network speed can't keep up with the processing speed of cpu, so it causes a lot of congestion, and multi-threaded multi-io channel, so the congestion is reduced. My question is: Will the io channel keep increasing as the number of threads increases for the same multi-core processor? Is the speed of one io channel on a single line the same as each io channel in multithreading? Why can't a single thread improve the speed by increasing the speed of the io channel? Is it because the io channel is a piece of hardware? Is its speed limited by the hardware? If the io channel is hardware, is the maximum number of io channels of a processor equal to the num

Encor 350-401 Review What is the difference between the new Cisco CCIE EI and the old CCIE RS?

The new Cisco EI CCIE enterprise infrastructure has been released, and RS routing exchange has officially withdrawn from the arena of history. Whether the new EI CCIE and RS are the same has become a concern for network workers. The CCIE RS routing exchange certification that has swept the world for more than two decades is the most familiar CCIE certification direction. EI CCIE, the new certified global web worker, is paying attention. We analyze their differences from the content of the knowledge system. The content of the RS course is based on the routing and switching of traditional enterprise network architecture. The routing accounts for 50%, the switching part accounts for 30%, and other characteristic points are 20%. The focus is mainly on the routing part. EIGRP, OSPF, and BGP are required content in the exam. The Layer 2 foundation of the switching part and the layer 3 redundant switching part are also required content. In addition to this, there are some security te

Cisco 350-401 How to deal with various network interview questions?

The interview asked "the server is not responding" when the client accesses the server, how to troubleshoot the problem. How should such questions be answered? Whether interviewing programmers or network engineers, this interview question is universal, there is no standard answer, the only difference is the depth and breadth of the answer. Junior engineer As an entry-level engineer, you should ping the domain name of this website. If you can ping, the domain name resolution is successful and the network connectivity to the server is good. If there is no ping, what is the IP to check the domain name resolution? If the domain name resolution does not work, ping the name server. If the ping fails, you need to ping your own gateway. The gateway cannot be pinged, and you need to ping your own IP. If Ping fails to connect, the TCP / IP protocol stack is faulty, or the local firewall is not working properly. If Ping can ping itself, but cannot ping

ccnp 350-401 exam fees What is TCP reliable transmission?

I don't understand the basics of computer networks. Why does the TCP protocol require a three-way handshake, and how can it ensure "reliable transmission" after the three-way handshake? What does the so-called "connection" between the client and server mean? Isn't the bottom layer all a two-way transmission of data packets? PS: I don't want to know the answer to why a three-way handshake is required instead of a four-way or two-way handshake. What I want to know is how can I guarantee "reliability" after a successful handshake? The target audience of this article is computer enthusiasts. "TCP connection" is a virtual noun. To fully understand this virtual noun, you need to understand why TCP needs a handshake. Let's look at a little story in life. Xiaoming mailed a parcel to his girlfriend Xiaoli, the package number was 5201314, and the parcel arrived at Xiaoli. In order to let Xiaoming know that the package

How to learn dynamic token and key agreement techniques?

The technology that combines "dynamic token" and "key agreement" is virtual private network (VPN) technology. So what is a dynamic token? What is key agreement technology? The so-called dynamic token, the English token, can be understood as a "one-time password", expressed in English as "One Time Password", abbreviated as OTP. Because the number displayed on the token in real time changes every minute, it is dynamic, which is also the origin of the one-time password. First let's see what a dynamic token looks like: These colorful tokens on the picture, although not only work in the same way, but the working principle is very similar. The principles are not expanded in the popular science article, and only how are they used to authenticate users? User Identity / Server Identity When users work remotely, they usually dial a VPN client. Here comes the question, how do you make sure that the server your users access is a re

200-301 dump Can we share files on two computers that not on one switch

The IP addresses of the two computers are the same, but they are not on the same switch. Can they share files? The company has two computers, which are internal networks, one with an IP address of, and the other with an IP address of In addition, the subnet mask and the default gateway are all the same. Can one of these two computers create a shared folder and the other one access it? Although not on a switch, according to your description, two computers can ping each other and the default gateway is the same, indicating that the two computers are in the same network segment, a broadcast domain, and a VLAN. The communication between the two does not cross the network segment or traverse the gateway, and the communication is purely in the broadcast domain. Broadcast domain communication A long time ago, two computers did not need an IP address, they only needed each other's host name to communicate with each other. Alice communicates with Bo