How to use 802.1X protocol to solve network internal loopholes
Today we will consolidate the concept and application of the 802.1X protocol. In traditional corporate networks, it is generally believed that the corporate intranet is safe, and threats mainly come from outsiders. But in fact, the internal loopholes in the network damage the network more seriously. In addition, internal employees lack security awareness and malicious software such as various plug-ins, spyware, and Trojan horse programs will unknowingly be downloaded to the computer and spread on the corporate intranet, creating serious security risks. With the continuous escalation of security challenges, traditional security measures alone are no longer enough. You should consider starting with the security control of the terminal connected to the network, and the security status of the terminal and the network. 802.1x is mainly based on Client/Server access control and authentication protocol. It is mainly used to restrict unauthorized users from accessing the LAN/WLAN network throu...