It is so easy to pass the CCIE exam, I did not expect this reason!

Back in the early days, Cisco was a big IT company with routers and switches all over the world so it’s natural to have Cisco on your own Cisco device. Certificates are divided into three levels, CCNA/CCNP/CCIE, where CCIE is the highest level and those who obtain the certificate are often referred to as network experts. It is very difficult to get this CCIE certificate at the beginning. To pass this certificate, you must first pass CCIE first. The Written exam, the content of this written test is also very difficult. So many people have failed in this part. Congratulation to you after passing the CCIE written exam, you mustpass the CCIE LAB exam within one year! If you have not taken the CCIE LAB exam within one year, your written test will be automatically revoked. Therefore, we can see the suffering of CCIE from here.
At the beginning, you want to go to CCIE for the LAB exam, you must have years of experience in Cisco networking because only with frequent Cisco devices that you can be familiar with Cisco configuration commands before you can pass the Cisco exam. Or, if you sign up for Cisco's training organization, the organization will have real the device is configured for you to familiarize you with the commands. That cost is very expensive and the price is often unaffordable by many people which also led to a low CCIE pass rate at that time!
Until this thing happened! ---Exam simulator
The emergence of this thing has been solved Training must use real physical devices which allows you to configure Cisco devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls on your computer simulator. Then we have the simulator now. However, what does this have to do with the easy passing of the CCIE exam?
The point is coming, now that we have freely configured the tools for Cisco configuration. What are we missing? That is the question and answer to the CCIE exam. Once we have the questions and answers to the exam, can we pass the exam very easily? The answer is yes. The problem now is kind of CCIE dumps searches a lot on Google, is everyone true? The answer is: Most of them are fake, their dumps cannot pass and there is no guarantee! Now, I recommend a guaranteed CCIE to everyone. The dumps website, called PASSHOT. Why it is recommended and is a guarantee that it provides refunds to consumers. Once you fail due to exam changes, PASSHOT will refund you the fee. I used to be cheap and believe in other CCIEs. Dumps' website which wasted a lot of money and bought a lot of useless dumps. Here I summed up a sentence that is not cheap, cheap, no good!
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