ccie 400-101 dump On the status of IPv6 in the financial industry

 The meaning of IPv6

 Beginning in the 1990s, the IETF noticed that the mainstream version of Internet addresses IPv4 was running out. In order to avoid the disruptive impact on the Internet, research on next-generation Internet protocols began to replace IPv4.
 Since 1996, Cisco Academician Steve E Deering and former Nokia Fellow Robert M Hinden have proposed a series of IPv6-defined documents such as RFC1883-1887. In December 1998, the RFC2460-IPv6 standard was proposed which defines the IPv6 packet format and header.  Standards such as format have become the basic standard of IPv6.
 In addition to solving the problem of IPv4 address exhaustion, IPv6 also uses multicast to replace broadcast in IPv4 (perhaps Deering and Hinden are the inventors of IP multicast) and uses header expandable bytes to achieve diversity.  Additional features, such as segmentation routing.
 IPv4 and IPv6 are generated at different times. In the IPv4 domain, global addresses and DNS root servers are not balanced. A large number of address segments and most of the root servers are located in the United States where the Internet developed earlier.
The Internet has developed to the present day. On the global Internet, there are more than 8 billion Internet of Things terminals. The demand for IP addresses is huge. The number of Chinese Internet users will reach 800 million. Internet e-commerce and Internet finance account for 44% and 12% of the world respectively.  Has surpassed the United States to leap to the first place.  In the IPv6 world, DNS root servers have been deployed in China and they have a leading position in the ownership of address segments.

The importance and relevance of IPv6 in the financial industry
 At the IPv6 base level, including the address segment and the IPv6 DNS root server. They are on the same starting line.  In November 2017, the country proposed the Action Plan for Promoting the Deployment of the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6).  Based on this, the People's Bank of China, the Banking Regulatory Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued an implementation opinion on the implementation of this action plan in the financial industry in December 2018, clarifying the specific requirements for the phased deployment of financial services organizations in IPv6.
 The Science and Technology Department of the People's Bank of China has proposed six basic principles of “one premise, two combinations, three priorities” for the overall planning of the IPv6 deployment in the financial industry:
 1. Ensure the safe and stable operation of the system; 2. Combine the pilot first and progressive advancement; 3. Combine the system transformation with the facility upgrade: the operating system, database, middleware, DNS, network equipment should be fully clarified before the system transformation  Support for IPv6 by basic hardware and software ,such as security equipment, version upgrade or update replacement for unsupported basic software and hardware; 4. Simple system first; 5. Non-financial system first; 6. Public service system first  .

 For applications such as portals and Internet applications, there are dual-stack transformations (applications support IPv6), partial dual-stacks (the original IPv4 applications are not modified, new applications support IPv6 natively), translation services, and translation through CDN services.  

 IPv6 terminal access such as portal portals can be quickly implemented through limited double stack mode that such as SLB64/NAT64. The long-term goal can achieve full support for IPv6 through pure dual stack mode.

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